Emotional Intelligence 101


Tuesday, March 12, 2019
2:15 pm - 3:45 pm
Session Type: Workshop

In this session, participants will explore emotional intelligence (EI) and its characteristics and will learn how they can use EI in their work. The presenters will go over the components of EI, the history of the involvement of EI in corrections, and the state of research pertaining to EI and corrections. They will outline some of the ways in which EI is believed to play an important role in corrections and will also work together with workshop participants to identify and discuss current and potential applications of EI within the correctional field. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to explore EI as it relates to their own lives. Having a more accurate understanding of the dynamics of emotions, emotion perception, and emotion management can have practical applications in the supervisory setting.


Shawn Mercer
MS, American Airlines

Dr. Nicole J Pizzini
Professor, St. Ambrose University

Todd Roberts
Executive Officer, Community Corrections Improvement Association (CCIA)