The Graduated Reintegration Initiative : A Safe and Structured Pathway to Reintegration into the Community After Prison and Jail


Monday, March 11, 2019
1:45 pm - 2:45 pm
Session Type: Workshop

This workshop will provide an update on the Graduated Reintegration Initiative (GRI), a collaborative pilot program conducted by the Illinois Department of Corrections and NYU Marron Institute, with funding from Unorthodox Philanthropy and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. GRI was designed by Drs. Angela Hawken and Mark Kleiman to improve the outcomes of persons returning from incarceration by creating a safe and structured gradual return process. A policy paper pertaining to this study may be found online ( m-prison-to-community/). This is Part II of a workshop presented at the APPA 2017 Annual Training Institute.


Sandy Mullins
Co-Director, New York University

Denise Ellen O'Donnell
Distinguished Senior Fellow, US Attorney's Office - WDNY

Janelle C Prueter
Senior Research Scholar, New York University, Marron Institute of Urban Management