The Development of a Five-Level Model Risk Assessment Communication System to Limit Bias and Guide Management and Intervention Decisions
Monday, March 11, 2019
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Session Type: Workshop
This workshop will introduce a risk communication system developed in 2017 that allows for results from any valid risk assessment tool to guide assignment to an appropriate level of supervision, recommendations for treatment, and expected movement through risk levels. This system will be contrasted with current risk communication strategies--strategies that are typically dependent on an individual risk assessment tool that uses its own method/criteria for the assignment of risk levels. The Five-Level Model improves on this by using a principled method of risk assignment to minimize bias in decision-making and to provide consistent system responses across systems and jurisdictions, regardless of which risk assessment tool is utilized. Two studies (N= 22,000; N = 889) will be reviewed that present empirical evidence that principled risk level assignment can reduce decision-making bias.
David D'Amora
Senior Policy Advisor, Council of State Governments
Daryl Kroner
Professor, Southern Illinois University