Information Updated November 6, 2007

Juvenile and Adult Probation

Juvenile and adult probation services are delivered by county departments and are under the Judicial Branch of government. Some departments serve single counties, while others may be multi-county agencies. County probation departments supervise both adult and juvenile felon and misdemeanant probationers.

In the mid to late 70s Illinois’ arming policy was adopted due to union pressure, a change in hours, and offenders being placed on probation who should have been in prison.

The state of Illinois sets the state’s firearm standards and the Administrative Office of the Courts and the local chief judge in each county or jurisdiction determine which officers are armed. The information obtained suggests that officers are armed by function. Intensive supervision (ISP), gang intervention, and juvenile intensive warrant officers are armed. Below is a list of counties that were armed at the time the survey data was collected:

  • Kane – Adult ISP.
  • Cook – Adult ISP, gang intervention.
  • Kankakee – Adult ISP.
  • Peoria – Adult ISP.
  • Tazewell – Adult and Juvenile ISP (officers carry a mixed caseload).
  • Champaign – ISP adult and domestic violence officers.
  • Vermillion – Adult and Juvenile ISP.
  • Madison – Adult ISP, and two juvenile intensive warrant officers.
  • Coles-Cumberland (combined counties) – 1 officer, a field support officer who is armed rides along in high-risk situations.

All probation officers are classified as peace officers and can arrest or take into custody probationers who are violating in their view. There are statewide standards requiring psychological testing for the ISP officers who carry a firearm.

Officers receive basic firearm training provided by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Academy. Officers who carry are required to proficiently complete the training prior to being allowed to carry a firearm. Yearly re-qualification is required.

The type of firearm allowed is at the discretion of each county. Types of firearms commonly used include .38 caliber special 6 shot revolvers, .40 caliber 15 shot semi-automatics, and .357 revolvers.

There are no private companies providing adult or juvenile probation supervision services.

Juvenile and Adult Parole

Juvenile and adult parole is under the Executive Branch, Department of Corrections, Bureau of Operations, Parole Unit. All parole officers in the state of Illinois are armed except when off duty. Arming is mandatory, not optional; it is agency policy and is supported by statute. Weapons are issued by the agency.

The officers are classified as peace officers with limited power to arrest. Arrest powers are limited to parolees, interstate compact cases, and probationers under the Department of Corrections custody.

Firearm training is provided by the Department of Corrections, officers must be able to proficiently complete the training before being allowed to carry a firearm. Quarterly training and annual re-qualification are mandatory.

The officers have the option of carrying a .40 caliber Glock or a .38 caliber Smith & Wesson revolver issued by the department.

There are no private companies providing adult or juvenile probation or parole supervision services.

For updates or corrections to the information on this page, please contact: Diane Kincaid