Visit the APPA History Room!
APPA would like to invite you to visit our new APPA History Room. The History room includes information, not only about the history of probation and parole, but about APPA as well. Open 8:00am-5:00pm, Sunday thru Tuesday. Come and check out our many exhibits including:
- The history of Perspectives, APPA's quarterly journal, with many of our past issues available to peruse;
- The background and history of PPPS (Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision) Week, including many of our original Proclamations from Governors across the country and throughout the years;
- Pictures of many of APPA’s prior training institutes. Are you in some of our snapshots? Did you speak at one of our Institutes? Is your Chief or Director rocking a nostalgic look that you should see? Come take a look!
- Announcing our NEW badge display! 100's of badges from probation and parole agencies from all over America and the world are on display.
(If you don't see your badge and would like to, just bring a badge to Kimberly at the Registration Desk at the Institute, or email her and she will get in touch with you. We want to continue to grow the collection to represent ALL pretrial, probation, and parole agencies!)
- Take a break and watch the movie Sentence Deferred. A 1955 movie starring Barbara Stanwyck and Edgar Buchanan, based on the true story of John Augustus, the man who started the first United States probation program. The movie will be playing throughout each day for your convenience.
- Take a look at many of APPA's past Institute programs and our t-shirt designs;