The American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) is proud to promote the National Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision Week (#PPPSWeek), held the third full calendar week of July (Sunday - Saturday). Join us as we celebrate over 90,000 community corrections professionals around the country who work hard to keep our communities safe.
As APPA prepares for its 50th Annual Training Institute to be held August 24 - 27, 2025, POs are encouraged to consider the 2025 PPPS Week theme: Heroes Behind the Mission: Transforming Lives, Enhancing Public Safety. We invite you to follow us on social media and share throughout the week as well using #PPPSWeek.
APPA is collecting and sharing resources to help you celebrate and promote PPPS Week. Please feel free to use them all or pick and choose what is beneficial to you and your district. We hope you will make some great plans to celebrate as well as receive much-deserved recognition for the vital role that you provide our community!
We can't wait to celebrate and hope to see some of you during the week! Join us throughout #PPPSWeek as APPA celebrates your profession, supervisors, employees, co-workers and yourself!
APPA is delighted to announce that Tyler Technologies will join us in celebrating #PPPSWeek! Thank you for your continued support of community corrections professionals nationwide.
Interested in Sponsoring PPPS Week?
Check out our options! »
If you're interested in sponsoring a gift basket to probation, parole or pretrial supervision offices, email Stu Gooden for more info!