Reentry Simulation: “In Their Shoes”


Tuesday, August 30, 2022
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Session Type: Workshop

Whether you work with the courts, parole or probation, children, or adult social services, with their families or with community services, this hands-on simulation demonstrates the justice-involved person’s exhaustive journey to self-sufficiency and the barriers that may contribute to feelings of helplessness and defeat.  Participants will encounter the same challenges faced by many individuals as they try to complete their court-ordered or case plan obligations of specialty courts or community supervision, as well as prioritize their day-to-day life.  By the end of the hour long, eye-opening simulation, participants will have experienced a month in the life of someone who has recently been released from a long stay in prison, treatment, or jail. The simulation suggests that the ability to navigate "the system" may be influenced or altered by “us,” the helpers of the system, and it may be a primary factor in the relationship between resiliency and recidivism. This training session was awarded the Arizona Judicial Staff Training of the Year for 2018.


Shanda Breed
Program Manager, AZ Supreme Court/AZ Administrative Office of the Courts

SHANDA BREED is the Director of Adult Probation Services of the AOC, Arizona Supreme Court. Her team strives for continual quality improvements and providing relevant and evidenced based trainings to Adult County Probation Departments, community partners, and local courts on topics such as sex offender supervision, reentry services and responses, mental health intervention, access to treatment, effective specialty courts, GPS monitoring, transferred youth, EBP assessment and case plans, EPICS-II rollout, state funds, domestic violence, tribal and rural supervision, AmeriCorps memberships and more. Shanda previously served 16 years in Northern Arizona Navajo County Adult and Juvenile Probation Department in various positions of Juvenile and Adult, Diversion and Intensive, Field and Presentence, supervisor, Deputy Chief and Chief Probation Officer. Her work also included implementing Arizona’s first Defensive Tactics curriculum, Firearms curriculum, Verbal De-escalation and Evidence Based Practices training and policies throughout the state. She was recently awarded the Arizona Judicial Staff Training of the Year for 2018 for delivering the popular “Reentry Simulation” training.