From Status Quo to Reform


Sunday, June 30, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Session Type: Workshop

From the earliest days of our country until The latter part of the 20th century, one can argue that our criminal justice system changed relatively little. However, in the latter part of the 1900’s until now, the US and many parts of the world have embarked on substantial system reforms. Entirely new strategies have been utilized in some jurisdictions, innovative visions have materialized, inventive plans implemented and some substantial benefits realized. This workshop will discuss many of these advances.


Herb D. Sinkinson, MPA

I am deeply committed to our profession. I believe APPA maintains a focus on helping practitioners working with people under supervision, the courts, parole boards, and jails/prisons. I understand somebody the problems we face in our field. The presenter is currently APPA’s Region-1 Representative and Board member. He has chaired APPA Institutes Host and Program Committees and is a current Board member of the New England Council on Crime and Delinquency. He has 30+ years of experience in line and supervisory positions in probation, parole and community corrections. Herb spearheaded Vermont’s Reparative Probation and Victim Impact/Safe Driving Programs. He is past vice president of two non-profits, resource coordinator, training coordinator, hostage negotiator, and served on an ACA standards project. Herb has a Master of Public Administration degree and us a certified mediator. He has experience as a part-time college professor, trainer for trainers, and law enforcement officer. Awards: JCPenney- United Way Golden Rule Award, Ronald McDonald House, University of Vermont - Marshall Dimock Award, and Innovations in American Government Award.