Making the Connection! Risk Assessment, Core Correctional Practices, and Case Plans


Tuesday, February 1, 2022
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Session Type: Workshop

This session will focus on how the use of tools and information corrections professionals have readily available can shape case plans for each person on their caseload. A formula for developing unique case plans that ensures a clear link between assessed need and services will be shared and participants will have a chance to practice applying the formula. The session will also explore how assessment and case planning may have a disparate impact for certain populations.


Myrinda Schweitzer Smith, PhD
Executive Director, University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute

Myrinda Schweitzer Smith, Ph.D., is a Sr. Research Associate and Deputy Director at the Corrections Institute in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. She has co-authored several publications, presented nationally and internationally on correctional interventions, and served as a project director for over 200 correctional projects. Specific topics of research and service include a state-wide correctional treatment program evaluation, the development and implementation of cognitive-behavioral programs for general delinquency, criminality, substance abuse, employment, and sexual offending, as well as recent initiatives to implement effective practices for community supervision and support.