Intensive Session: Core Correctional Skills in Practice


Sunday, August 27, 2023
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Session Type: Intensive

Around the world, many correctional services are interested in improving their performance by reducing recidivism and enhancing offenders' well-being. There are multiple approaches to achieving this ambitious goal, and one of the most effective ways is by providing intensive training to staff on core correctional skills. According to the literature (Dowden and Andrews, 2000, 2004), these skills can ensure the maximum impact of correctional programs. In brief, core correctional skills include building a working alliance, pro-social modelling, problem-solving, motivational interviewing, and cognitive-behavioral interventions. This intensive session will prioritize the development of these skills through brief presentations, role-playing, rehearsal, and debates.


Joseph Arvidson
Producer and Host of "The Criminologist" Podcast, Ramsey County Community Corrections

Joseph Arvidson has over 35 years of Correctional experience. He is a trainer of Motivational Interviewing, Case Planning, Core Correctional Practices and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions curricula. He is also a Master Trainer of the Level of Service Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI). Mr. Arvidson has had the privilege of being a repeat faculty member at the International Training School on Core Correctional Skills in Barcelona, developing and training European probation officers. Mr. Arvidson is the producer and host of The Criminologist podcast. He earned both his BA in Criminal Justice and his Master of Science Degrees from St. Cloud State University.

William D. Burrell
Consultant, Independent Corrections Management, Burrell Consulting, LLC

Ioan Durnescu
Professor, University of Bucharest

Dr. Ioan Durnescu is a professor at the University of Bucharest in the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work. He previously worked for the prison and probation service in Romania and authored the book "Core Correctional Skills: The Training Kit." Based on this book, he has provided training in many European countries such as Spain, Slovenia, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and more. Recently, he launched an education and training app called "Correctional Science for Practitioners." His motto is: "Better correctional officers have better clients!"