10 Trends About Youth and the Juvenile Justice System and How to Stay Current


Tuesday, February 14, 2023
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Session Type: Workshop

This training draws on national data to describe the intersection of youth and the juvenile justice system. In particular, the training will focus on trends regarding youth in the juvenile justice system, including the latest trends in: violence by and against youth, delinquency cases handled in juvenile court, and youth in residential placement. The training will also examine the changing racial and ethnic composition of the youth population, whether racial and ethnic disparities at various stages of the juvenile justice system have improved, variations in case processing for girls and boys, experiences of LGBTQ+ youth, and depression reported by youth.


Charles Puzzanchera
Sr Research Associate, National Center for Juvenile Justice

Charles (Chaz) Puzzanchera joined the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) in 1998. He currently serves as the Project Director of the National Juvenile Justice Data Analysis Project. In this role, Chaz manages the Statistical Briefing Book and is the primary analyst of various national data sets, including the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports, National Incident Based Reporting System, Uniform Crime Reporting Program, court data collected by the National Juvenile Court Data Archive, and the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement. In addition, he serves as the senior researcher on the National Juvenile Court Data Archive Project, which is supported by OJJDP funds. Chaz is lead or co-author of some of the most widely referenced reports in the field of juvenile justice, including the annual Juvenile Arrests bulletin and Juvenile Court Statistics report, as well as the Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2014 National Report.