Enhancing Community Transitions for Clients: Integrating Reentry & Workforce Development Practices for Better Employment Success & Supervision Outcomes


Saturday, June 29, 2024
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Session Type: Workshop

Well-managed and results-focused reentry and employment are vital to the stability and success of those we assist and empower during community supervision. Access to meaningful resources, income, and services for improved outcomes are frequently difficult to secure. Our contacts frequently prioritize facilitating and monitoring supervision conditions, such as employment, through shorter visits and swift referrals to the nearest and most accessible programs, resources, or employers. This session will cover collaborative, data and evidence informed approaches to developing effective reentry and workforce development systems that empower clients to become more productive, safe, engaged, and contributory members of their communities. This session will also include a brief exercise where participants can collaborate, innovate, and leave refreshed and energized with new contacts, resources, and local strategies that can strengthen clients’ growth and success during and well beyond supervision.


Michael J. Laughlin
Implementation Consultant, Tyler Technologies

Michael Laughlin holds a master’s degree in counseling/guidance and is a former Senior U.S. Pretrial/Probation Officer/Specialist, later serving as a County Manager over Jail Diversion, Pretrial, and Criminal Justice systems in multiple jurisdictions. He is the past President of Texas Association of Pretrial Services and currently serves on the Professional Development Committee. Additionally, Mr. Laughlin is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor, Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor, and nationally Certified Pretrial Release/Diversion Professional, as well as a Global Career Development Facilitator and Offender Workforce Development Specialist-Instructor. He served 40 years within clinical and criminal justice systems at city, state, county, and Federal levels providing and managing treatment services, as well as Federal/County Courts overseeing clients and staff as a senior officer, treatment and workforce specialist and manager. He led multi-disciplinary, inter-system teams in successfully building several in-custody and community-based treatment, jail diversion, and reentry/workforce development programs with national recognition and replication. Mr. Laughlin has trained groups 30-plus years on treatment, corrections, criminal justice, career/workforce development and performance measurement topics, and looks forward to fostering fresh ideas and inspiration here about improving local reentry and workforce development efforts that create better case and public safety outcomes for our justice-involved citizens, and their families and communities.

John "Jack" Martin
Client Executive, Tyler Technologies

Jack Martin, former director of the Clark County Department of Juvenile Justice Services, has served over three decades in law enforcement, both in the adult and juvenile arenas. Mr. Martin began his career in California before transitioning to Arizona and Hawaii as a subject matter expert rebuilding troubled correctional systems experiencing rampant civil rights violations. Mr. Martin earned his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice administration and communications, and master’s in public administration, and is a national speaker for operational issues surrounding cultural change initiatives within law enforcement agencies, and expert designing and teaching classes for all working in the justice system, adult or juvenile. Mr. Martin has also served on the Southern Nevada local workforce board as Vice Chair, Program Chair, and operational expert. He has developed numerous re-entry programs utilizing blended funding streams and looks forward to sharing his 30+ years of experience building workforce opportunities for our second-chance citizens.