Building Resilience through Community Corrections, Peer Support, and Recovery Coaching


Tuesday, February 27, 2024
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Session Type: Workshop

In the past few years, we have heard a lot about Trauma and Resilience. This workshop will look at the Five Pillars of Resilience and how they can be identified, developed, and enhanced throughout an individual's carceral journey through interaction with Correction personnel, Peer Support, and other community supports identified by a justice-involved person.


John A Hall
Recovery Coach, Peer Support Specialist, Infinite Opportunity LLC

John A. Hall is a motivational speaker, certified peer support specialist, life coach, "Free to Succeed" prison mentor, and a NAMI-certified group facilitator. He is passionate about raising awareness in the areas of Mental Health, substance abuse/recovery, and recidivism. John’s journey through the system, as an inmate peer support mentor, has given him an inside look at what many experience in the carceral system. The relatability and mutuality help disarm the defense mechanisms and allow for greater self-discovery. Inmate peer support has been proven highly successful, not only with himself but the many he's worked with before and after re-entry in both Idaho and Montana.

Mrs. Marsha J Oss
Reentry Coalition Coordinator, Fairbanks City Hall

Marsha JT Oss completed her A.A./B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies with Minors in Justice, Political Science, and History. She is also a certified NCAC-I, CADC (Idaho), CDC/BHC II, and PSS/TPSS III (Alaska). These certifications enabled her to work in the Behavioral Health field, as a person with lived experience, since 1988. Volunteer work in juvenile facilities led to paid positions in Correctional institutions, hospitals, and treatment agencies. She spent six years as the Fairbanks Reentry Case Manager helping justice-involved folks return to the community. Marsha transitioned to the City of Fairbanks Reentry Coalition Coordinator in 2022 and looks forward to creating programs and collaborating with agencies to identify more services for returning citizens.