Supervising Gun-Involved Young Adults


Monday, January 27, 2025
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Session Type: Workshop

The United States continues to suffer from high rates of gun violence. Many young adults on probation or parole have gun-related charges and are at risk of becoming shooting perpetrators—or victims. Effective supervision of youthful gun offenders can reduce this risk, marrying swift, certain, and fair responses to behaviors with supportive services and addressing criminogenic needs. And, in some instances, clearing the record of a felony conviction. This workshop will address practice guidelines for supervising young adults with gun offenses, review statutes that bear on sentencing, and relate the experiences of several innovative, specialized community-corrections programs that have met with success in keeping their clients in the community and keeping them—and their communities—safe.


Dr. Jonathan Kulick
Co-Director, New York University, Marron Institute of Urban Management

Jonathan Kulick, PhD, is the Deputy Director of the NYU Marron Institute and co-director of the Swift Certain Fair Resource Center. He manages a portfolio of technical-assistance and research projects in drugs, crime, and governance.

Sandy Mullins
Co-Director, New York University, Marron Institute of Urban Management

Sandy Mullins, JD, is a Senior Research Scholar at NYU’s Marron Institute and co-director of the Swift Certain Fair Resource Center. She assists public-safety agencies and organizations serving justice-involved people in collaboratively designing and implementing reforms. Previously, she was Washington Governor Inslee’s senior policy advisor on public safety and government operations.

Meghan Patton
Specialty Court Administrator, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas

Meghan Patton is the Specialty Court Administrator for the Cuyahoga County (OH) Court of Common Pleas and an experienced mental-health probation officer. She is project coordinator for the court’s BJA-funded Violence Intervention Program, which engages with volunteer peer mentors, trauma therapists, and job-placement agencies.

Joel Root
Probation Supervisor, Monroe County Probation - NY

Joel Root is the Assistant CPO in charge of the Monroe County (NY) Office of Probation-Community Corrections Special Operations Division; the Swift, Certain and Fair Program Coordinator; and a lead in developing the countywide violence-reduction strategy. He challenges probation officers to use the latest intervention, case-planning, and deterrence strategies to supervise violent clients.

Brendan J. Sheehan, Hon.
Administrative and Presiding Judge, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas

The Hon. Brendan J. Sheehan is the Administrative and Presiding Judge for the Cuyahoga County (OH) Court of Common Pleas. He presides over the court’s Violence Intervention Program, a pilot program designed to assist clients who are arrested with a weapon but did not use that weapon in a crime.