School to Prison Pipeline: Why Probation Departments Should Handle Truancy


Wednesday, August 25, 2021
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Session Type: Workshop

Research consistently documents that school truancy is related to a greater risk of delinquency during adolescence and adult criminal behavior (see Mazerolle et al 2019 for a review). Brown County, a rural county located in southern Minnesota received an OJP program to start a pre-truancy and truancy program in 2019. In the first year of this program a link between truancy and delinquency emerged. This program has shown that handling truancy matters through a probation department in rural areas has helped reduce the number of juveniles who commit new crimes and kept more kids in school. The STOP Truancy Program developed strategies to keep kids in school, reduce delinquency, and develop community relationships. Presenters will share the evaluation statistics, how they implemented a validated risks and needs tool, and real world experiences of the truancy officer to detail how truancy matters were handled by this rural probation department.


Andreas Braulick
Truancy Probation Officer, Brown County Probation

Andreas Braulick is a Senior Corrections Agent who has been in the field for seven years since graduating from Minnesota State University Mankato in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree in Corrections. In 2019 he was hired to develop and implement the STOP Truancy Program in Brown County Minnesota. He currently serves on the Training and Education Committee for the Minnesota Association of County Probation Officers and leads the Southern Minnesota Truancy Group.

Dr. Barbara Carson

Dr. Barbara Carson is professor emeritus from the Department of Sociology and Corrections, Minnesota State University, Mankato, and has conducted multiple program evaluations for various criminal justice agencies. For approximately 30 years she has conducted research and taught in areas of community corrections, victimology, and sentencing practices. In this role she also taught Program Evaluation to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Les P Schultz
, Brown County Probation

Les Schultz, Probation Director for Brown County in Minnesota, has been active in Corrections for 37 years. With a Master’s Degree in Corrections, Les is an adjunct faculty member for a nearby college. Les has been active in APPA as regional representative, regional representative at large, treasurer and currently as Chair of the Constitution and By-Law Committee.