Juvenile Probation and Parole

The Maryland Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) under the state Executive Branch, is responsible for a number of programs, including juvenile probation and aftercare supervision.

Case managers (probation officers) are employed by the DJJ’s Division of Community Justice and provide juvenile probation and aftercare supervision.

Case managers do not carry a firearm. The Department’s Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Process that became effective August 31, 2000, strictly prohibits the possession or use of firearms by any employee of the Department while on duty (Standard number 2.26 Use of Firearms).

They are not classified as peace officers, nor do they have the power to arrest.

There are some contractual private companies which provide juvenile supervision services.

Adult Probation and Parole

Within the Executive Branch of state government, Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, Division of Probation and Parole are responsible for adult probation and parole services.

Generally, Maryland’s probation and parole agents do not carry a firearm, are not classified as peace officers and do not have the power to arrest. The Director is empowered with the authority to designate certain employees with the powers of arrest over parole violators and to carry firearms. In Maryland, an individual must have a license to own a firearm and a permit to carry. These are issued by the Maryland State Police. Agents, like other Marylanders, may apply for and obtain a license to own a handgun. To get a carry permit, one must give a good and substantial reason. The Maryland State Police will not issue a carry permit to an agent solely based upon their job assignment without a letter from the Director of Parole and Probation endorsing the application. It has been the practice of the Division to not issue such letters.

It is mandatory for warrant apprehension officers to carry a firearm. Warrant apprehension officers serve parole retake warrants. They do not supervise a caseload. The employees so designated by the Director must meet the same minimum training qualifications required by the Maryland Police Training Commission for police officers. These officers are required to proficiently complete the training and must re-qualify annually with their state issued firearm.

The standard issued firearm is a double action .40 caliber. The agency provides ammunition.

At the time of the survey, it was not under consideration to allow other probation and parole officers to carry a firearm.

There are no private companies providing adult probation or parole supervision. There are about a dozen private companies that provide electronic home monitoring services for probationers.

For updates or corrections to the information on this page, please contact: Diane Kincaid