These items are available to you in order to inform and garner support for #PPPSWeek and those in the field of pretrial, probation, and parole! It is imperative to let others know how important community corrections is to the safety of our nation. From soliciting your city or state legislature to declare #PPPSWeek as a recognized holiday, to press releases for your local media, to asking for donations or sponsorship to host activities to celebrate #PPPSWeek, these resources are yours to use as you see fit.
APPA has provided a sample proclamation that you can customize to meet your agency or jurisdiction's needs before submitting it to your mayor or governor's office. Once issued, send it to your local newspaper and radio stations.
This presentation could be good for speaking engagements with faith-based groups, high schools, employment fairs or any group that may be interested in knowing more about pretrial, probation, and parole in your community. It is editable so you can include local information such as graphs, photos, text, tables of data, or sound.
If your press release is more than one page (double-spaced), type "— more —" centered at the bottom of the first page. Add the title and date of the news release, plus "Page Two" in the top left corner of the second page. At the end of page two, type "END" centered below the last paragraph.
Below is a letter for you to modify when seeking donations to promote an activity and an example of a sponsorship form for a luncheon and/or an exhibit booth. APPA members, Carole Braden (juvenile probation) and Pam Riddle (adult probation) in Dallas developed these letters and forms.
Seeking sponsorship for recognizing the work done by community supervision professionals will not only allow you to provide a celebratory lunch or other activities, but it will allow other groups and agencies that also work with offenders to participate in the Week.
Don't forget to remind potential donors that their contributions — monetary or in-kind (such as services, discounts, or food) — may be tax deductible.