Using the IDA
Web-Based IDA
APPA launched a web-based version of the IDA assessment in 2021. The web-application has the same functionality of the paper and pencil IDA assessment widely used for more than 15 years but adds the convenience of a web-application accessible from any device with cloud-based data storage. Agencies can more easily share information, assess individuals, access past results, and evaluate agency-level data. Contact APPA to start using the web-based IDA.
The web-based IDA contains two levels of users: administrators and evaluators.
- ADMINISTRATORS: Agency points of contact, usually supervisors or managers, and are able to:
- Add or delete agency evaluators
- View all cases and evaluators within that agency
- Delete cases
- Export individual and agency-level data
- Use all evaluator functions
- EVALUATORS: Any agency staff person trained to use the IDA and conducting assessments. They can:
- Enter ER and SR data directly into the system
- Download and print writeable PDF versions of the SR in English and Spanish
- Enter recommendations and notes directly into the Score Report
- Export select case data
- Download PDF versions of completed assessments and score reports
- Users can export assessment data to excel controlling for evaluator and date assessment was entered.
- Users can also download pdf versions of completed assessments and score reports.
Once completing the ER and SR, users can view a completed score report with automatically tabulated results.
The IDA is available to be integrated into private databases and case management systems. APPA has standing agreements with several private companies and agencies. Contact APPA to learn about licensing options and if the IDA is available through your current database systems.
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The IDA is a differential screening assessment that consists of 45 items across two components designed to estimate the risk for future impaired driving, provide preliminary guidelines for service needs, estimate the level of responsivity to supervision and services, and identify the degree in which traffic safety has been jeopardized among individuals convicted of a DWI offense.
The IDA was developed and is overseen by the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA).

Research has shown that the criminogenic risk factors for DWI offenders look different than other criminal populations. As a result, generic assessment tools typically score these individuals as low risk to re-offend though their behaviors often show otherwise. Through funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), APPA was able to develop this assessment tool to capture the unique criminogenic risk factors of the DWI population.

The IDA has eight domains that assess a handful of major areas of impaired-driving recidivism, prior involvement in the justice system related to impaired driving as well as in general; prior involvement with alcohol and/or other drugs; mental health and mood adjustment problems; and resistance to/non-compliance with justice system interventions.

The IDA gives the evaluator a risk supervision score indicating clients’:
- likelihood to commit a new DWI offense,
- level of involvement with alcohol and other drugs,
- level of defensiveness, acceptance and motivation,
- criminal thinking, and
- mental health distress
The tool also provides preliminary guidelines for supervision and treatment priorities.

Yes. The questions can apply to all DWI cases, including drug impaired driving.

There is no cost to use the IDA tool.Training and materials are provided at no cost to the user.

While it is recommended that the IDA be conducted as early in the court process as possible to help inform sentencing decisions, there is no 'bad' time to use the tool. In most cases, the IDA is used post-sentence.

It typically takes 30-45 minutes to conduct the IDA and complete the scoring. The assessment is available as a free to use web-based application and can also be done in pen and paper format, if desired.

No. The assessment only needs to be conducted one time and is meant to serve as the roadmap for initial supervision.
The IDA can be used more than once on individuals when a new DWI offense has been committed. However, the IDA has not been specifically validated for this purpose.

At this time, the IDA Self-Report (SR) is available in Spanish.

The IDA is available through a web-based application that stores user data on a secure cloud. The application has two levels of users: agency administrators and evaluators. Administrators are able to add and remove evaluators, conduct evaluations, and view agency-wide IDA data through the website.
The IDA has also been integrated into some case management data systems and is available to be licensed for agency use.
Agencies interested in utilizing the web-based IDA or licensing the IDA should Contact APPA for more information.
The IDA is also available in a paper and pencil format.