PPPS Week - July 20-26, 2025

Recognizing Heroes in the Field

At APPA, our hearts ache for the probation and parole officers who have lost their lives, no matter the circumstances. Our thoughts are with the families forced to bear the weight of losing a husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, sister or brother, as well as the coworkers and friends who have lost a light in their lives.

At APPA we wish to do our part by keeping the memory of these officers alive. Each of the names below are heroes within their communities. They spent their days trying to keep their loved ones safe and helping others successfully reintegrate into normal life. We’re proud to raise awareness of their sacrifices and will continue to do so throughout the year.

If you have coworker or friend in the field of probation and parole who passed away since 2022,
please fill-out this "Share A Hero" form.