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Leadership Institute


take courses designed primarily for senior POs and managers

embark on a 12-month journey of self-discovery

increase critical and analytical thinking skills

build on your passion for learning and leading


intervene in political, organizational, and sub-service delivery systems

prepare for senior leadership in the community corrections arena

apply proven tools for career advancement

complete a project that benefits your home agency

  • The Leadership Institute was an amazing and rewarding experience! I was able to connect with professionals across the country, learn, grow, and step outside my comfort zone. This afforded me new and exciting challenges within my organization.
  • This leadership academy is truly one of a kind and will deliver greatness in training and networking. If you want to improve an organization, start by improving yourself and join this leadership academy.
  • The Leadership Institute has helped me in my role as a manager and not only becoming a better manager, but learning how to become a leader. I think what this institute offers for new leaders is priceless.
  • The APPA Leadership Institute is the only one of its kind that focuses on developing future leaders in the area of probation and parole by using experts from the field. The program was definitely worth the time and expense.
  • The Leadership Institute has provided me an opportunity to develop relationships with people who are highly regarded in the field of community corrections. This experience has also enhanced my insight into the true meaning of leadership through its readings and lectures.
  • The Leadership Institute has been an eye opening experience that I deeply appreciate. I have already applied a number of suggestions at my home agency and have a better understanding of global issues in community corrections.