Our webinars are conducted to enhance the knowledge and understanding of reentry-related issues and to help problem solve around reentry-related issues in their Nation/Village.
Webinar Recordings
Reentry Toolkit Part 3: Engaging Clients in the Reentry Program New!
Reentry Toolkit Part 2: Identifying and Collaborating with Partners
PLANNING A REENTRY PROGRAM: A Toolkit For Tribal Communities, Part 1
Accessing Resources for Reentry Programs in Tribal Communities
Addressing Responsivity Issues for American Indian/Alaska Native Individuals on Community Supervision
Change Your Tribal Community From Within: An APPA Resources Invite
Differences in Federal, State, and Tribal Reentry
Employment Issues and Reentry in Tribal Communities
Enacting Code Provisions to Satisfy the ESA Provisions of TLOA
Enhanced Sentencing Under the Tribal Law and Order Act
Impact of TLOA and VAWA
Integrating Culturally-based Practices with Western Treatment Modalities
Maneuvering the Jurisdictional Maze When Planning for Reentry in Tribal Jurisdictions
Offender Re-entry Programs: Housing Options for Successful Re-entry
Reentry Perspectives from Native American / Alaska Native Reentrants - AK Panelists
Reentry Perspectives from Native American / Alaska Native Reentrants - Contiguous US Panelists
Risk Assessments for Tribal Persons Re-entering Society
Sex Offenders and Reentry into Tribal Communities
Supervision of Reentrants into Tribal Communities
Working with Tribal Victims