Institute Core Logo
Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036

Intensive Sessions


Health and Wellness Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reentry

Assist Those Affected by the Criminal Justice System

August 27 Sunday 8:00am - 12:00pm ET

Training Objective: Describe how to assist all those that are affected by criminal justice, helping with employment opportunities and education while considering behavior or substance abuse issues.


Rick Marech
Samantha Pugh
Prevention Reentry

Impact vs. Impressions

August 27 Sunday 8:00am - 12:00pm ET

Training Objective: Demonstrate what culture-based training looks like, provide examples of cognitive strength training used to combat recidivism, and dismantle deconstructive strategies in favor of criminogenic restructuring approaches


Kendall L. Taylor
Donna M. Bouie
Community Supervision Reform

Success Planning:
A Playbook for Coaches (Not Referees)

August 27 Sunday 8:00am - 12:00pm ET

Training Objective: Gain insight into the coach/ref model for change, learn the core concepts of success planning, and have an opportunity to practice/train on the success plan before taking it to the live game.


Brian Lovins, PhD
Rachel Goldstein
Shannon Magnuson, PhD
Tameka Williams, PhD
Community Supervision International

Core Correctional Skills in Practice

August 27 Sunday 12:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Training Objective: Describing core correctional skills, their main features, and how to use them in practice, conduct the first interview, use role clarification, self-disclosure, optimism, and humor, and recognize and practice level three of empathy.


Ioan Durnescu, PhD
Joseph Arvidson
William D. Burrell
Prevention Reentry

It’s a Whole New Ball Game:
Motivational Interviewing for Justice Involved Individuals

August 27 Sunday 12:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Training Objective: Explain basic MI concepts in short microbursts and provide opportunities for students to practices Open Questions, Affirmation, Reflection and Summary with an MI coach, and provide a comfortable environment for participants to receive feedback from an MI coach and person simulating a justice involved individual.


Joseph Suciu
Jason Nespeca
Eric Persing
Juvenile Justice Reentry Reform

The Collaborative Advantage:
Building Communities to Strengthen System Impacted People Inside and Out

August 27 Sunday 12:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Training Objective: We often speak about the fact that it takes a village to raise a child. This panel will discuss the efforts Los Angeles County has made in actualizing a village like approach to supporting youth in the newly legislated TRI Academy - SYTF.


Dr. Rafael Ventura III
Health and Wellness Mental Health and Substance Abuse Victims' Issue

The Addiction-Trauma Connection SOLD OUT

August 27 Sunday 12:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Training Objective: Define trauma-informed, trauma-responsive, and trauma-specific services. Describe the dynamics and process of trauma. Discuss the ACE Study. Describe the interrelationship between addiction and trauma Discuss gender differences in trauma and abuse. Attendees will also receive one of DVD sets on the following two topics: "Exploring Trauma: A Brief Intervention for Men and Gender-Diverse People" or "Healing Trauma: A Brief Intervention for Women and Gender-Diverse People."


Dr. Stephanie Covington
Gwyn Kaitis

Women's Symposium Sponsors

Geo Care

Contributing Sponsors

Allied Universal® Electronic Monitoring - Badges, Bingo, APPA Awards  |  Aventiv &  Honest Jobs &  REFORM Alliance - Career Fair  |  Abraxas Youth & Family Services - Bingo  |  Benevolent - Bingo  |  Care Guide Service INC - Bag Stuffer, Bingo  |  Correctional Management Institute - Leadership Institute  |  LifeSafer - Bingo  |  Noble Software Group - Bingo  |  Precision Kiosk Technologies - Bingo  |  Premier Biotech - Bingo  |  Premier Wireless Business Technology Solutions, Inc. - Bag Stuffer, Bingo  |  SCRAM Systems - Bingo  |  Shadowtrack - Lanyards  |  The Prem Rawat Foundation - Bingo

Also, special thanks goes to our Corporate Members!

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