From Prison to Purpose: Why the Badge Matters
June 28 Friday 5:00pm - 7:00pm EST
A cautionary tale unlike any you have ever heard. This is not just a story that every community corrections professional needs to hear - this will change the way audience members do their jobs. Telling people to never give up is more believable and able to be received when it's attached to a real-life story. This is that story. This session will open your eyes and provide true education with a digital video online curriculum audience members can provide to anyone and everyone in their field. Michael DeLeon is a voice rarely heard by law enforcement, yet his is likely one of the most important messages a community corrections professional will ever hear in their entire career. Michael is a recovered addict, ex-offender, former gang member, and a national leader in recidivism reduction, addiction advocacy, criminal justice reform, and most importantly, PREVENTION! Michael delivers a seminar that will be remembered and referenced for a very long time to come.

Michael DeLeon
Founder, Steered Straight, Inc.
June 29 Saturday 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
With the support of the National Institute of Corrections and the American Probation and Parole Association, there has been collaboration between a workgroup of community supervision experts from across the country to develop the first National Standards for Community Supervision.
The National Standards will guide community supervision agencies in strengthening and improving services, policy, and practice. They are meant to help spur conversations and guide agencies looking to update their policies or align performance measures with evidence-based practices. The goal of these Standards is to assess and compile research so agencies can implement practices that will support rehabilitation and help individuals on supervision lead productive lives. This session will highlight the subjects covered by the Standards, how the field can access the Standards and provide feedback, and ways to incorporate the Standards into daily practice.
Training Objectives:
Through this presentation, participants will:
1. Learn about the subjects covered within the Standards and the workgroup’s process for determining the topics to guide the field.
2. Examine and compare the areas of supervision practice that have research support and identify opportunities where additional research is needed to standardize common policies or practices.
3. Reflect on methods to disseminate the Standards to the field and ways agencies can implement these Standards into their policies and practices.

Valerie Meade
Deputy Director
Crime and Justice Institute

Caitlin Flood
Senior Policy Specialist
Crime and Justice Institute

William Burrell
Corrections Management Consultant
Burrell Consulting, LLC
Change Your Walk, Change Your Life: Finding Success After Lock Up
July 1 Monday 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Known around the country for his dynamic and life-changing best practices, Chef Jeff Henderson illuminates probation and parole officers with proven, high-impact strategies that empower change, inspire fulfillment, and help them better inspire those on the caseloads they manage.
A southern California native, Jeff started his groundbreaking culinary career in the unlikeliest of places – federal prison. While serving nearly 10 years, he would discover a previously untapped passion for the art of cooking after fortuitously landing a job as a cook while behind bars. Using prison as a catalyst for self-transformation, he was released in 1996 and worked his way up from a dishwasher to a cook, and then executive chef of the former Café Bellagio in Las Vegas.

Jeff Henderson
Chef, The Henderson Group
Contributing Sponsors
Allied Universal Electronic Monitoring - Bingo | Care Guide Services - Bingo | CourtFact - Bingo | Journal Technologies - Bingo, Wifi Service | Lifelab Studios - Bingo | LifeSafer - Bingo | MHS, Inc. - Bag Stuffer | Noble Software - Bingo | Reconnect - Attendee Headshots | Securus Monitoring - Bingo | Sentinel - Bingo | SCRAM Systems - Lanyards | The Prem Rawat Foundation - Attendee Badges, Bag Stuffer, Bingo | Washington State Misdemeanant Probation Association - Water Bottles | YouthCenter - Bingo
Also, special thanks goes to our Corporate Members!